Tuesday, April 28, 2009

dog books & how theey can really help...

Dog books are something you can learn a lot of facts about,
i bought a book about dogs and when i started reading about it
gave me a ton of information an it got me wanting to know more
so if you read a book about animals or dogs you might get more helpful or useful information that you need!!!

New BLOGGER here

Hi i am Berjean and i am a new blogger here,so i just wanted to say i know a lot about dogs and alittle bit about other animals!


Camels stink like poop and the humps that are on there back is filled with water.One time I went on a camel and they take forever. They go slow like a sea turtle. They eat just like cows, me and my sisters don't really like camels but my sisters like riding them... who ever is reading this do u like camels?  

Who is more interesting?

I think that the bird of paradise is the second beautifulest bird because the peacock. I would like your opinion:do you like the bird of paradise or the peacock? I don't really like the tufted titmouse because I don't think they are that interesting.

                 WHO IS MORE INTERESTING: 
                        1. THE PEACOCK 
                        2. THE BIRD OF PARADISE

Friday, April 24, 2009

Animals With Rabies

Some animals have rabies. It is important to stay away from them because they can give you rabies too. If you know what animals with rabies look like you have a better chance of avoiding them. Here are some symptoms of rabies.

1. Foaming at the mouth
2. Drooling
3. Bite attempts
4. Twitching

It is hard to cure rabies so if you get it you will most likely die after a few days. Did you know that small rodents rarely have rabies? 
We are lucky we have doctors to take care of us!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

pets at school

Do you think classrooms should have class pets?

I think we should because if you are lonely or you want a pet he or she is partly yours

lice tips

If you ever had lice you know it is no fun!!!
Here are some tips to prevent lice outbreaks  1.  don't put coats next to another kids coat
2.  don't share hair ties
3.  do have precation

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Penguins are so cute.You see how they wobble side to side, that is so funny? Ima show u a pic of a penguins that are under pressure...When u go to the zoo u see penguins playing with each other and feeding each other.... BYEfile:///Network/Servers/Server1.local/Volumes/ServerHD/Users/ashleediaz/Desktop/crowded_family_webpro.jpg

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I love turtles there are so cute... but they stink. They poop and that stinks and there water stinks.I like to feed them and I like to hold them. If u hold them a kind of way they will pee on u. Its bad if u put your finger in its mouth cause he or she could bite you.   TURTLES ARE THE BEST...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Starfish

What's the most famous fish in the sea?  The starfish!!! Get it. The starfish has an eye on each arm. It can also grow back an arm if it lost it. It's mouth is at the bottom of it's body. It's most likely for them to get eaten because they really stand out when they're the opposite color of the ocean and they can't camouflage. Well maybe they could blend with coral and maybe some of them camouflage. I'm not sure. They eat clams and mussels.
photo by Achim Raschka .

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Lice are a nightmare !!!!!!!

they are very itchy and very hard to keep from spreding that is because if someone else brushes up against you and that person who has it could give it to you.  you could get LICE!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Pigs live in farms you have to always check on pigs (I know this from experience) pigs dont just come in pink but they come in black too! pigs are friendly but they can be bad you have to train a pig you cant just bye a pig and throw it in your barn you have to train it or else you will have to deal with crazzy and notty pigs. If you pet a pig and it bites you dont think its the owner it could be the owner said not to tuch the pig and you did not listen or the owner doesnt have enough money and cant pay for the pigs rabies shot.

what looks the most like lions and why?

Do you know what looks the exsactly as a lion? Well if you dont its a type of dog and do you know what type of dog? Its called a chow chow. The reason why lions look like chow chows is because chow chows have fluffy hair they have the same face and also how I know is because when ever I take my dog for a walk and a kid or a grownup passes by me they either shake or screem or go on the other street.