Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Lila, my guinea pig, is the loudest mammal ever born. She squeaks when I come home, She squeaks when the refrigerator door opens, Etc. They stink if you don't change them, and they have to have food at all times. They need regular guinea pig food in their bowl at all time along with daily crunchy fruits and vegetables. They also need lots of food. So if you are thinking of getting a guinea pig, think again because they are a lot of work.


Anonymous said...

oliva my mom agrees with you f i want to have a guinea pig I have to work very hard for that. with my homework and feeding before i go to sleep.

from your class, carlie

Kristian said...

I have a guinea pig. His name is Nicky. I named him it because it was the first name that came to mind.