Monday, August 23, 2010
albino water frogs
Hey students and parents all around the world you suppose that albino water frogs are almost the best pet to have in the city or the country and never is a mess unless you take care of it well not just you feed it and talk to it for a minute spend as long as it needs to keep them happy it not like a rag doll were you can not play with it, but you can't talk to it and act like it's no body, an animal is a person inside of them just not notice because of the fur or the scales because they have feelings of there own and when they die then you care abut them. what do you think you should do once you get a pet.
Monday, August 2, 2010
mexican raccoons
Mexican raccoons are very smart they now how to climb trees to get into someones house like lets say majestic monition Acapulco Mexico I saw 2 raccoons climb trees and get in the house looking for food, because a guy named Gume he's very nice to the raccoons.what do you want them to live or die or look them up and find out.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
gecko's and there intelligence
gecko's are amazing creatures they can run very fast and climb all over you and are super cute too once you see one in real life in mexico Aculpulco you see tons of them at night you will see them run and jump every were unless you close your room door trust me on this. check gecko's out on google.
a hermit crab leason
picture by: i b u
Saturday, July 31, 2010
dogs relation ships
Dogs are a lot like humans only with paws and fur but nothing else is different with them only personalities so many of us are friend s and not friends and so do dogs. Dogs get along and don't get along its just a way of life not all of us should be friends because we fight over each other and dogs are the same, they get into fight s like my dog for instance she doesn't like all dogs she loved one dog then moved away an has liked other dogs but not as much as him. Just like her we are all the same so you except the relation ship with these animals.
Monday, June 28, 2010
You know schools of fish. But check out these other wierd names for other groups of animals.
Drift of hogs, Smack of jellyfish, Business of ferrets, Plague of locusts, Murder of crows, Gaggle of geese, Osentation of peacocks, Troop of monkeys, Bloat of hippos, Cloud of grasshoppers, Paddling of ducks,stand of flamingos and husk of hares.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The life cycle of frog
I will tell you the life cycle of a frog. 1. a egg 2. a larva 3. a pupa 4. a adult Frogs take a long time to be a adult first they have to go through some stages some frogs are slow in growing but if nothing eats them they can always grow quickly.
Save Animals That Are In Danger
We should save animals that need us so they could have a home and not be treated wrong. What we could do is go to a shelter help the animals that need our help so they can get the help they need. Then we could clean them play with them give them love that they need. We can show them that not to be scared we are here to help them. Also we could show them that we don't want to hurt them we want to help them. If we can stop the people from hurting pore animals then we can save more and more animals that are in danger. So please people stop hurting animals and start saving animals so they can see a world that they haven't seen yet.
Lizards may be small as your fist and as big as paper even bigger sometimes lizards are cool because they have funny and at the top of their back they have little spikes some lizards are smooth I know because I felt one before lizards are good for pets but those lizards would be tired . Lizards are fun animals they can lay on your back and can hide very good and are red and green usually but they can camouflage with their colors I will tell you something if you have a lizard you are lucky.
Monday, June 21, 2010
snakes are known throughout the world as creepy, crawly, lizards. well two of those facts are wrong. first snakes don't have legs so they cant technically crawl, and two they are pretty cool considering some species can even fly and some are even aquatic. some people even think they are slimy because their scales shine. so if you ever see a snake don't scream instead look up, or return it to its natrall envyronment
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
kitten's and there love
Fish are to quiet
Animals dying cause of the oil spill
Did you know that animals are dying because of the oil spill? If you don't, I'll tell you everything about the oil spill. Let's see. Animals are dying because the oil has spilled out of the boat that was in a huge tank. I feel so blue because most of the animals that live in the sea,
have died at Golf of Mexico. Do you feel blue like me too? I wish you do because the oil kills living things and destroys the earth. I bet fishes that live there thy most've died. I wish not all animals died.
Randall's Island Wetlands
In the Randall's Island wetlands, there are so many bugs and animals that you would never find in the city. There are big birds, small birds, etc. There are also many types of insects like the garden spider, butterflies, lots of ladybugs, and many more. Randall's Island wetlands is a fun and educational place!
Albino Water Frogs
In our class we have Albino water frogs and my cousins also have the water frogs and every time I go to their house they ask me if I can clean their tank.So I clean their tank and they are so jumpy so I cuff my hands together and keep them in my hand.I think Albino water frogs are really jumpy so you have to be careful!
found image
picture by:Taylor_irby
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Which animal do you like
1 Fish
2 Dog
3 Cat
4 Monekey
5 Penguin
6 Bear
7 Rat
8 Mouse
9 Bird
10 House
You can put in coments
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Artic Fox
This Artic fox is a speacial survior in the long and cold Artic winter . It depends on three very speacial survivor skills.
1) When he gets hungry he takes a meal. He walks until he finds the remains of another animal probably a polar bear.
2) The Artic Fox stores it's food. He often steals the eggs from snow gooses buries them in a few places then a few months later he has a feast.
3) The fox dresses and has succes. In the summer his fur coat is a dull dusky brown. Mostly in mid November he sheds the very, very last remains of his brown coat and for the lovely new pure white coat to camoflague him in the snow from predators.
1) When he gets hungry he takes a meal. He walks until he finds the remains of another animal probably a polar bear.
2) The Artic Fox stores it's food. He often steals the eggs from snow gooses buries them in a few places then a few months later he has a feast.
3) The fox dresses and has succes. In the summer his fur coat is a dull dusky brown. Mostly in mid November he sheds the very, very last remains of his brown coat and for the lovely new pure white coat to camoflague him in the snow from predators.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
commom dor mouse
Common Dor mice are so small they could easliy fit in a small childs hand. They are mice with long tails. They live in North America in small nests that are round. The nests are made of dead wood and small wood chips. They are fuzzy and soft and you will find them sleeping. Dor mice sleep 17 hours the whole day.
Ants are some busy animals. Ants are busy because they have to keep finding food for the queen and there self. Ants can carry more than there body weight on their back. In a ants nest there are a lot of rooms . One of the rooms is a nursery room. In the nursery room some of the ants have a job and that is to take care of the queens baby. An ant has no nose. The ants nose is the Antonia. The Antonia look like little sticks on top of its head. Some of the species of the ants can bite so be really careful!!!!!!!
Do you like mice at all? I know that I don't because they scare me and creep me out. Also they eat anything they see and they caring a lot of germs. So if I was you I would not touch a mice and I don't want to get sick because I touch a mice that had germs.
So if you see a mice or a rat don't touch it don't go next to it and don't even look at it really close because you may never know if the rat or mice will scratch you or give you there germs that they carry.
What ever you do never go near a mice or rat and do not touch any one of them because you never know what a rat or mice could be caring that could make you sick.
picture by Epicnom
picture by Epicnom
Snakes are cool!
Snakes are cool. They move all day without any legs! Snakes have different colors and different size. There are big ones and small ones. Some are as big as a trunk. Some are as small as your hand. Snakes change a "cloth" every time they grow.
my dog
My dog name is Gegan.
he is a boy.
He is black.It is golden retriever.
He is 11 years old.
Here is list of thing he likes to do.
#1 He likes to play with family.
#2 My dog likes to walk.
#3 And he also like to eat.
Sea Creatures
Coral is a creature that lives deep down in the oceans. Corals are green but most are orange tis sea creatures don't like been interrupted they don't like many noise. This sea creature likes to move slowly mostly it stays in one place and doesn't move but some times it may move because there may be too many noise. Corals don't move they sit in one place and don't move for a long time. Corals are big creatures they are as big as a small bear.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Dressed up Pets
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
annoying birds compared to spectacular parrots!
My cousins have one such annoying bird...they have to listen to it all day making noises! Now, you should know that the bird my cousins have,is not even near the parrot my family and I are going to get!
I will list reasons why:
1.the bird is orange and the parrot is going to be rainbow
2.the bird tweets all day long, and the parrot will say anything you say will be bored with the bird cause it doesn't say anything, and the parrot says anything it hears!
How about you...what do you think?!?
I will list reasons why:
1.the bird is orange and the parrot is going to be rainbow
2.the bird tweets all day long, and the parrot will say anything you say will be bored with the bird cause it doesn't say anything, and the parrot says anything it hears!
How about you...what do you think?!?
In Poland, you can find so many bugs and animals. For example, after it rains, there are sooo many slugs in a Polish backyard. There are also deer, ducks, and swans. All around Poland, you can find lady bugs, small spider-like bugs, and many more!
When baby turtles hatch
When baby turtles hatch it's usually in the night so they don't get eaten by birds. They go to the ocean like they're flying. They're not with their parents. They swim by there selfs.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Why Do You Like Animals For?
Why do you like animals for?
Is it because they are cute.
Is it because you like them.
Is it because there colorful.
Is it because you just want to take her/him home.
Is it because there small or big.
Is it you just feel sorry for them and you don't want to see them stay in the pet shop all alone.
Is it because you just want to have one.
Is it because you love them so very much.
What could it be that you like animals for? Write back to me or tell me what else I can put on my post that people like animals for.
eastern chipmunk
The eastern chipmunk is very fast. They scurry on the ground looking for nuts . They have long bushy tails. They are fawn colored and have a black strip going down their back. They have big cheeks to carry walnuts and seeds. Their cheeks have pouches and they put the walnuts they collect in them.
long eared jerboa
Long eared jerboas have HUGE ears. They are found in the desert and live in holes in the ground. These little guys are becoming extinct. Little by little ,more are surviving. They also have a big tail. They come in shades of tan to hide in the sand.
Rodent Elementary
I have a friend that told me that her hamsters go in a bus to a elementary for rodents including rabbits/bunnies, even mice/rats!!!! She even says that the bus driver is a hedge hog. But I believed her because she showed me some pictures. A lot must be thinking that this is a trick but really it isn't. Maybe rodents can be as smart as humans.
Did you know that when I was watching T.V sailor men were catching shark and also being killed by the hooks that they use to catch them. I think that was just mean to do to a shark. Think they let the shark go when it was already dead. I said to myself how could they do that to a shark what if the shark was having babies. Now they killed the great white shark so now it won't have a baby or babies. Why do sailor men do this for don't they know that animals want to live too and enjoy what they have already.
I think that if sailor men stop doing what they are doing to kill sharks. I think that would be more and more sharks coming and enjoying their lives. What do you think about sailor men killing sharks and then just leaving them there.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
labradors puppies
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Cotton tail bunnys
Cotton tail bunnies are adorable! They have cute cotton tails. They come in shades of fawn and white. In the wild they eat seeds. When they sneak into gardens the y feast on cabbage, carrots, and other vegetables. When winter comes they become a pure white to hide in the thick snow.In the spring they give birth to cute fuzzy babies.
Fish are different size some are small some are big. Fish use gills to breath with in the oceans they have scales to protect them selves. Fish are clever some people think fish are not clever and easy to catch people are wrong about them some times the fish trick people. Fish in the ocean are different colors, some fish are beautiful. Fish have tales to move fast, they can move as fast as an insect and bird fish are fun and can jump put of the ocean and back in.
Sharks are cool animals. But they are a little dangerous. Sharks may eat people but that is not there favorite food. Their favorite food is seals or sea loins. A shark has great smell because they can smell a drop of blood more than a mile away. The only time sharks attack is when you are in there territory . I wonder when or how you know you are in a sharks territory. Sharks are in danger because boats are killing them because sharks are getting too close to the boat so the boat kills the sharks by accident.You can help sharks by being more careful WHEN YOU ARE ON OR DRIVING A BOAT!!!!!!
Wild Cats!!!!!!!!!!!
I am very interested in wild cats even though people might say they are so fierce but I think they are very cool to look at because under all of that fierce fullness they have a heart as big as "The World." They care for their children very carefully even though it looks like it hurts. They stay together making sure they are safe. Also, Adults fight for their children even if it does not belong to them.
flying squirrels
Flying squirrels are amazing. They glide into trees and other things. They have big eyes. They eat seeds and other things like bugs. When they are fully grown they weigh 5 ounces. In the winter they huddle in the tree hole for warmth. They find an abandon squirrel hole and want to live there. They eat and eat and eat to build up body fat so they could hibernate. When they wake up, they start collecting nuts for the winter once again.
Monday, May 24, 2010
polar bears
Having a Dog
Having a dog can be fun , but it is a lot of work. You need to walk the dog and feed it and clean it and give it attention. If you want a dog you have to think about it before you get the dog.
Dog or Cat?
What do you prefer: dog or cat? If you like calm you are a cat person. If you like playful and peppy, you are a dog person. I prefer a dog. What do you prefer?
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
pet survey
which animal is the most gross?
tell me what you think by commenting.
Shark are Amazing, because their are different kind of sharks like a Hammerhead Shark and Tiger Shark. So their different kinds of sharks and I am going to tell you something if you see some sharks next to you don't move only if want to and one more thing some sharks bite and some don't so don't freak out only if your scared you could freak out.
Pandas are very cute animals. Bad things are happening to them. They are being killed for there skin. Pandas live mostly in China. Try to save pandas especially if you love them. Go to the zoo to see pandas before they are all gone.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Hamsters are tiny and cute and they are fluffy. You can not put them on your bed and sleep with them because they are small and maybe you will roll on them. They are good to take care of , you just need to pour some food in a bowl, and you also need to put a bottle of water and they will eat by themselves. I LOVE hamster and I hope I can have one.
my favorite animal
my favorite animal
(1) hamster
(3)cat &dog
All those animals are cute!Babys are cuter than adults.
Allot of people love those animals. You love those animals.
(1) hamster
(3)cat &dog
All those animals are cute!Babys are cuter than adults.
Allot of people love those animals. You love those animals.
Cats are MEAN!!!!!
I have met a lot of cats and given them a lot of chances but it's either them scratching me biting each still hurt me. I know a lot of you cat lovers are extremely surprised but it's true it's happened to me and it could happen to you any day. Sorry if I hurt you feelings but it's the way I feel about them.
picture from: srdreed at
roborovski desert hamsters
Roborovski desert hamsters are the smallest species of domestic hamsters! They are so small that an adult is the size of a mans thumb! Since this hamster is very small it is very fast. They live in China and Mongolia and dig tunnels 6 1/2 feet long! These hamsters have a beautiful golden colored fur to blend in with their surroundings in the desert. These little guys are also pets. In their human homes they ran on the hamster wheel for 20 miles in 8 1/2 hours! They are also small enough to fit through any crack. Rodents bones flaten to fit through any crack. But since these hamsters are so tiny a strawberry is one of their biggest meals!
pic by flickr
Turtles are the ones that swim very fast. Some of the turtles that live in the water are huge and some are very small like a rock. Ocean turtles eat seaweed and other ocean plants. ocean turtles like quit when there is no waves they put their heads out. I've seen turtles they are so cool i even had one turtle. Turtle are friendly but very shy sometimes they will come up to but will go away. Now I will tell you some facts about turtles turtles have strong shells,not strong jaws, swim in large groups, travel everywhere together,and stay near each other to protect them selves and their babies from predator's. Turtles are very clever . I think we all should live them in the ocean were they are safe.
How We Can Save Frogs
1) We can stop cutting down trees because that is where frogs do live at and get their food from. I know that we do need trees to make paper so we can write. But what we can do to save paper and trees is use both sides of the paper and we won't have to cut down so many trees to make paper.
2) Stop throwing garbage in rivers and in ponds because sometimes the frogs don't know where it came from or what it is and they don't see any food so they just eat what you just threw in the water. Then the frogs doesn't know what it has ate then the frog gets sick and dies because of what you threw in the water.
3) If we stop doing these things that make frogs sick or make not have a place to live. There might be more and more frogs around the world. I think we should let frogs live their lives so they can enjoy what they didn't see or didn't discover yet.
If we help frogs I think they will be happy for what we did for them to live their life's.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Bunnies live in the forest woods,near ponds or rivers. these cute animals might seem harmless to you but they have long teeth and very sharp claws. If you have them as a pet be sure to cut the teeth a bit. If you don't they can grow quite long. Have you seen the magicians use the bunnies for magic tricks? If you go to a magic show you might see a bunny getting pulled out of a hat they come in all different shapes and sizes. Their fur is so soft. But don't let their cuteness fool you!
go home bird up
This morning I took my bird out of his cage and he flapped his wings around. But some one put on some boiling water so I had to put him back he would not go in his cage. I had to get my mom to help me, she is very good with getting him in his cage.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Guinea Pigs
Are Guinea Pigs actually related to Pigs? No. Actually Guinea Pigs are the much cuter version of pigs. According to the Kids Almanac 2010 they say it was the Europeans who first saw these furry friends in the 1500s. They named these fluffy rodents after their farm animal pig look-a-likes. When did the name "Guinea" Pigs come up? No one quite knows for sure but one answer could be that these animals once cost a guinea.(A guinea is a really old english coin). These animals might be misnamed but at least they don't play in mud and live in a pigsty!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
cats are COOL
I think cats are COOL.I think that because they can jump to high things and places and because there like an acrobat, i always wonder how they do that even when i see them up there.Because they just jump,i think it they do that from there back because i see there back cure when they walk or jump.Have you ever seen what i seen?Do you have a cat?Do you think cats are cool?
pet survey
which pet do you like?
8-hermit crab
9-none of the above
please give in your answer by commenting
When I bought new fishes
When I bought new fishes at Pet co, my dad asked for 1 pregnant fish but, the man gave us 4 pregnant fishes. I was so ecstatic because I get to see baby fishes and get more fishes without losing money. I asked the pet co man when the babies will come out and he said at least 2 or 3 weeks but we put the fish in the pregnant box but, the babies are not coming out! 2 weeks already pasted but they are not coming out.
Information about puppies
Information About cats
I love cats and today I will give you information about cats.Cats are very cute and they are very jumpy and joyful you want to know why because they play to much,sometimes cats get really scared just one tip if you do a prank on your cat don't do it or not it will scratch you and more thing don't ever ever give a bath to the cat only some cats like taking baths.
-Tips from Carlos
-Tips from Carlos
Important Eagles
Many people think that that Eagles are important just because they are on many flags. i.e. the Polish, Russian, American, and Albanian flags. But I don't know what's so important about Eagles. Is it because they have good eyesight? Or maybe it's because they can fly. The answer is a mystery to me.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Fish are friendly animals. Some fish live in the water, but some do not, just like mudskippers. Mudskippers spent most of their time out on the mud flats, where it build garden walls. Fish don't have legs, arms, or wings. Instead, they have fins. The tail fin is used for power, and the pectoral fins for steering. the dorsal fin on the back stops the fish from rolling over the water. Some eat other fish. Many feed on plankton - tiny planets and animals that float in the water. I have five fish, do you have any fish?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Hard Work Taking Care Of A Dog
Do you think taking care of a dog is hard work? Do you sometimes forget or just don't want to do what you have to do .
1. Well what you can do is make a list saying what you should do like walk your dog give it fresh water give it new food. Like stuff you need to do so your dog has it and knows that you care.
2. When you have did your list you can start the day you did the list or the next day after you come home from school.
3. Then you see what you put for the first thing to do so when you have done that you do the next thing. Then when you know it you have done the stuff that your mom tells you all the time or your dad. Now you don't have to do any thing else you can play with your dog or just relax.
This might help you if you just do a list to help you with any thing you forget to do sometimes.
1. Well what you can do is make a list saying what you should do like walk your dog give it fresh water give it new food. Like stuff you need to do so your dog has it and knows that you care.
2. When you have did your list you can start the day you did the list or the next day after you come home from school.
3. Then you see what you put for the first thing to do so when you have done that you do the next thing. Then when you know it you have done the stuff that your mom tells you all the time or your dad. Now you don't have to do any thing else you can play with your dog or just relax.
This might help you if you just do a list to help you with any thing you forget to do sometimes.
How Does Sharks Gives Birth To A Baby Shark
1. How a shark give birth is she mates with another male shark by the male shark biting the female but the male shark has to be careful because the female shark is more dangers than the male shark.
2. The female can have two ways of giving birth to a baby shark she can give birth in a pouch with over 20 eggs. Or give birth in the water just like that.
3.But the sad part of giving birth in the pouch is that I said that there can be over 20 eggs in the pouch but only 2 eggs live and become big sharks like their mom and dad. Why only 2 eggs stay because the baby sharks inside need to eat too so they eat on each other until there is only 2 eggs left. The other part is because to many eggs in the pouch can kill the mommy shark that is why only 2 sharks are left in the mommy sharks stomach to live.
4. Then the baby shark goes and starts to find food for it's self because when the mommy shark gives birth the baby shark has to go on his or hers own so it can grow up and be just like the mommy shark or daddy shark. When the baby shark is all grown up it can do the same thing the mother or father did or they can have babies too.
5. Then the chain goes all around again and begins were the male and female mate to have babies or eggs that become baby sharks.
2. The female can have two ways of giving birth to a baby shark she can give birth in a pouch with over 20 eggs. Or give birth in the water just like that.
3.But the sad part of giving birth in the pouch is that I said that there can be over 20 eggs in the pouch but only 2 eggs live and become big sharks like their mom and dad. Why only 2 eggs stay because the baby sharks inside need to eat too so they eat on each other until there is only 2 eggs left. The other part is because to many eggs in the pouch can kill the mommy shark that is why only 2 sharks are left in the mommy sharks stomach to live.
4. Then the baby shark goes and starts to find food for it's self because when the mommy shark gives birth the baby shark has to go on his or hers own so it can grow up and be just like the mommy shark or daddy shark. When the baby shark is all grown up it can do the same thing the mother or father did or they can have babies too.
5. Then the chain goes all around again and begins were the male and female mate to have babies or eggs that become baby sharks.
the spider monkey
the spider monkey or the ateles geoffroyi are a bit different from what you would expect from other monkeys like chimpanzees. this monkey has a less complex brain then most other monkeys and the spider monkey does not have opposable thumbs. the spider monkey can also have a tail longer than it`s body , black hands and legs,and stand on it`s hind legs when on the lookout. these monkeys also live in groups of around 30 other spider monkeys but usely roam independently in the same general are as the other monkeys in the group.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
My Pregnant Fish
I have a pregnant fish. Can you believe that?! Last time I had two pregnant fish but, their babies died. They died because my dad didn't put the pregnant fishes in the pregnant box and, they got their babies and the other fishes ate them.
cats and dogs
Dogs are one of the famous animals and they are great pets to keep in the house because they are very cute and cuddly, because they have really soft furs and really they are very cute because when they are sad there eyes look beautiful. Cats are the same thing because they are very cute because they do the same thing with there eyes and sometimes they scratched but they are kind of funny,because they get scared really easy so take good care your pets.
Pinegrove Ranch
Pinegrove Ranch is a great family vacation waiting to start they have so many games, but best of all, they have a lot of animals. They have sheep, pigs, bulls, cows, and -best of all- horses! You can ride horses depending on what level you are. The levels are beginner, advanced, and expert. You get to walk through the woods with nobody holding on to your horses reins. Once I even saw a wild deer. There is so much you can do at Pinegrove ranch, I highly encourage it for your next vacation!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
What Kind Of Animal Do You Like
What animal would you pick if you had to choose?Is it?.
H)Rabbit you can pick any animal you want if it is not here.
Which ever one you choose you can write a comment to me and I would answer you back if I can.
H)Rabbit you can pick any animal you want if it is not here.
Which ever one you choose you can write a comment to me and I would answer you back if I can.
Don't Be Scared Of Sharks
You should not be scared of sharks because if you are in the water and you see a shark don't get all scared be calm and just swim away because sometimes a shark just think you are a seal. But if you are really scared of sharks then don't try to swim in salt water because that is where most sharks live at. If you want to be safe then just swim in clean water because there are no sharks there. Now I am not be scared of shark because I know what to do if a shark is in the water and thinks I am a seal in the water.I would follow my tips and I would be safe around a shark or any other animal that is dangers.
Frogs are good animals. but they are in danger because people are cutting down rain forests so now some frogs have no where to live not only that frogs need there skin to be moist and they need to be near wet spots because they get they air from the water or wet spots they were in. Some species of frogs are extinct because they have no where to go.
how big cats live in wild life
A lion is a king of animals he is very strong lions live in groups they travel together. Tigers are dangerous animals they have sharp claws they ran nearly as fast as a car it is a very good hunter. Panthers are sneaky they have very sharp teeth to bite its prey panthers are black. There are many different cats in wild life there are even some that can climb trees some cats are amazing they know when to hide when something big wants to attack them. They have very good hearing and good cense of smell they can even hide very well. I just love cats they are my best.
Sharks are dangerous animals that swim in the ocean. They can kill people by eating them or giving them a severe injury. They can also swim fast so that we can not run away from the shark. Sharks are in dangerous too. People are killing the sharks because they think they are going to eat us. Also, sharks are hit by boats. Let's save the sharks.
Stop Hurting Dogs & Animals
Us people should stop hurting dog and all types of animals because sometimes a animal is telling you why are you doing this to me what did I do why. If you can't see a animal getting hurt why would us want to hurt a animal anyways. If any kid would want to help a dog or any type of animal stop hurting them the people that are and go to a pet shop and help out those pets that need you there for them. Then when you know it you didn't just help an animal but you just help many animals that needed your help. I know if I was that person that was hurting my animal right know I would stop what I am doing and let my dog or animal do what they want to do so he/she can feel okay being with a owner like you.
Monday, May 3, 2010
flying bird up
Yesterday guest came to my house and and bird up flew on their heads. One of the guest was really tall so bird up flew on his head a lot. Also when I open the door to go to school he chirps loudly and when I open the door when i get home.
I have another survey just for you this time it's birds. Which is your favorite?
Send a comment here. Here goes.
a) Duck
b)Trumpeter Swan
c) Eagle
d) Pigeon
There are many other birds but these are the ones I know most.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Amazing fishs.
Fish have different sizes, not all fish look like fish. Some have weird and wonderful shapes to help them hunt or hide. Some fabulous fish look ready for a party. But on a coral reef, their bright colors actually help them to survive.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Horses, a walking beauty.
Many people think horses are scary because they can hurt you by kicking you very hard. But I know better. Horses only kick you if you scare or anger them. But if you treat them with love and care, you'll love these creatures. The greatest part is that you can ride them but sadly, there is barely any chance of owning a horse if you live in the city.
tadpole is a good pet to me
I think a tadpole would be a nice pet because when it grows up i can see how it looks. And know the experience of it and be an expert so when i grow up or rite now,i can teach people stuff and when i am young i could have a test on tadpoles i will know it all.It doesn't have to be on tadpoles it can be on other animals like dogs,cats,insects,turtles and birds,did you ever have a pet that tough you stuff? Did you ever had or have, a pet that helped you learn when you went somewhere ,or did something?Or did you win something because you had it?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Bird's feet and feathers.
Birds use their feet in many ways. Some use them to catch food, others build nests with their feet. Many water birds have webbed feet for swimming. Most birds have four toes on each foot. Three toes face forward, and one face backward.
Birds have feathers too. There are two main types feathers: down and contour. Down feathers and soft and fluffy. They are close to the body and keep the bird warm. the contour, or outer, feathers are smooth and stiff. They cover the down feathers and keep the bird dry. Contour feathers give birds their sleek, streamlined shape.
Flight feathers are the contour feathers on bird's wing and tail. The small flight feathers close tightly when the bird wants to fly higher. The large ones allow the bird to change directions.
Birds have feathers too. There are two main types feathers: down and contour. Down feathers and soft and fluffy. They are close to the body and keep the bird warm. the contour, or outer, feathers are smooth and stiff. They cover the down feathers and keep the bird dry. Contour feathers give birds their sleek, streamlined shape.
Flight feathers are the contour feathers on bird's wing and tail. The small flight feathers close tightly when the bird wants to fly higher. The large ones allow the bird to change directions.
worms are great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I first studied worms I thought they were really gross!!!! But then when I knew a little bit about them I started to think they are not that bad. After reading 1 worm book I learned that worms have 5 hearts and such a little brain. Also when worms eat,the compost they poop it out and after a while the poop will turn into healthy soil. Worms always eat. For example, the soil doesn't move out it's way the worm eat the soil as it moves. Did you know a worm can eat up to 23 pounds a day.
Dogs are very strong animals they are funny and very fast some dogs are hunting dogs like my dog finds turtles and looks for birds some hunting dogs can even find bears dogs are clever they know when to wake up their owners to go out. Dogs have good sense of smell and they feel something and hear if something attacks them. Dogs can learn many tricks like sit,beg ,turn and run. Dogs are best friends of a person in our life. Dogs like most playing with children they mostly play catch or Frisbee dogs are very funny animals most of their time they like sleeping on the sofa. You can have a dog but it will take a lot of time!. to clean after him but its fun having a dog with you. I tell you,you should have one I have one and I feel so happy in my life with him.
Stop Killing Sharks
If you want to save sharks we should stop killing them because they want to live to like we want to. If people are going to stop then you can help them by feeding them or just see how they are doing or give money to save the sharks because there are not that many sharks around because of people killing them to make clothes out of their skins. I think if I was a shark I wouldn't want to die because somebody wants to eat me or make clothes out of me. So for sailor's and people that like to go fishing stop fishing for sharks because they want to live just like we want to live.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Here's a survey about dogs. Send me a comment and I'll show the results on my next blog.
a) Golden Retriever
b) Doberman
c) Moltice
d) French Bulldog
e) German Sheperd
f) Yorkie
g) Saint Bernard
Thanks send a comment back!
Pandas their fur black and white. People have been cutting down bamboo and disrupting their forest. Although Pandas can eat small birds and rodents, those animals live in the bamboo so they have to go some place else. The population of pandas has gotten fewer since 2008. Since the earthquake in china. Those furry pandas need life please help.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Today I went to an Earth Day celebration although earth day was a few days before. They had fun games, cool dinos but the important thing they had was the endangered dolphins and seals. Those poor animals are wanted for their blubber and skin. Some get caught in fishermens nets. when boats come to catch fish they sometimes catch seals and dolphins. They don't bother to put them back in the water they just bring them with the other catch. The way you can help is to at least make a poster. Hang it up. Oh, and don't forget to spread the word!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
monkey survey
I have a question for all you people reading this. what is your favorite monkey?
d:spider monkey
the monkey with the most votes will be named on my next blog post aloung with facts about the monkey
d:spider monkey
the monkey with the most votes will be named on my next blog post aloung with facts about the monkey
talking parrots
In the future my dad said that he will buy me a talking parrot for my birthday or for christmas!!!My dreams are to tell it to say,"My owners are the best!!!"I am going to tell the lady that I want it's feathers to be orange... since that is my favorite color!
Wouldn't you want to have a talking parrot in your life!!!!! :}
puppies are the cutest animals on the world, you want to know why? Because they can look so innocent when they destroy your room or home. for example when it was last year my dog destroyed my mom's room. she looked so innocent when we got back. that shows you that dogs can look so cute and Innocent that she look like she balms it on the cat if you have one also. Do you always think that puppies can look innocent when they do something horrible?
Jolly vs. Woody
A few days ago, a dog named Woody visited my house. But I have a cat named Jolly. If you want to know how big Woody is, do the math. 3 x Woody= Jolly. Anyway, while Woody was exploring my house, he probably ran into Jolly because "CRASH" echoed through the house. Jolly chased out of my sister's room, looking like he had just seen a monster. But calm (at the moment) Woody trotted out of my sister's room. When I looked at Jolly, he looked like a Pomeranian! His hair was sticking up from head to toe. So, if your cat is afraid of dogs, I don't suggest bringing a dog home!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Do you wanted to learn some facts about fish?
Fish is some animals that live in the water. They are lucky that they don't need to come out and breath like us. Because they breath by its gill. They live under water for all of their life because they cannot leave the water, if they do for a long time, they would dead. Fish have scales and they also have fins and tails to wiggle back and forth to swam. I like fish, do you?
All about monkeys
Monkey have a lot of different kinds. One monkey is called grasses monkey.
Some people think monkeys are kind but it is NOT true because I went to a zoo and the monkey wanted to pull my hair. Monkeys are crazy. Monkeys want to eat every thing people eat.
Monkeys can talk to each other. They use monkey Words.
Monday, April 19, 2010
get another bird up?
yesterday (4/25/10) my mom and I went to a bird and bird supplies store and my mom wanted another bird. his (or her) tag number is 007 double o 7. he is yellow, likes to fly every where, is friends with 006 and wont go out of its cage. do you think I should get another bird?
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Illyiana's Turtle is not nice
I have two turtle's one's name is Tommy and on the other hand is mean old Snappy he always trying to snap the cute little turtle,i wish the big turtle snapy could go in a swomp or in a pond cause he keeps stealing tommys food.My sister loves the turtles so much because she acts likes its family to her,and puts it in a little baby bed that our grandfather gave to us and she put the turtle in it,i never play with it because she's better for it.
Have you ever had turtles?And one of them is mean,or bad?And a brother or sister that plays with it.
Cats HURT!!!
One day I went to my cousin's house and I saw my cousin holding his cat... ONE of his cats and I saw the cat like nearly opening his mouth, and his fangs were showing and then the cat was getting close to my cousin's hand.I was nearly screaming in my head!I was no ahhhh!!!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
There are different types of rodents all over the world. My favorite one is a hamster. They are very cute and are easy to care for. But not many people don't think much of wild hamsters do they?
The American golden hamster has beautiful golden fur.It lives in the desert. Since their fur is the color of sand it is easy to hide from other predators. These hamsters are very rare and very hard to find.
The darwth hamster is found in Asia. They are very little and mostly are the color grey. They eat grass and leamon grass. These hamsters are very fast so they could get lost very easaly .
The short fur hamster is one of my favorites. They have short fur. Not as long as other hamsters fur. But they are not hairless. Even though we dont think much of wild hamsters, they probaley are thinking of having an onwer like you!
Have you ever seen a bunny they are so cute especially when they are a couple months i've been raising one for 5 years now! Although, everything might seem easy but it really isn't. First of all you have to clean it's cage. Also, you have to give it food. But something really hard to do is give it love.
Puppy Safety !!!!!!!!!!!
All puppies need safety. There are many ways to keep your puppy safe. I'll give you 5.
1: Make sure it isn't eating to much. ( Don't want it being over weight )
2: Let the puppy get exercise and some fresh air.
3: NEVER wake it up from it's sleep. ( It's like waking up an actual baby )
4: Make sure no puppies get lost.
5: Last but not least ALWAYS give it love.
Monday, April 12, 2010
3 penguin web sites
web sites about penguins
this website is mainly this website is mainly a website this website is a good website if you are looking
about a woman who with activities and facts about penguins facts
helps save penguins.
Along with some facts about
this website is mainly this website is mainly a website this website is a good website if you are looking
about a woman who with activities and facts about penguins facts
helps save penguins.
Along with some facts about
poisonous puffer fish
There is a poisonous puffer fish. They eat these things in Japan, of course they take out the poison if they don't, people can die. Some workers aren't careful they don't take out all the poison. Almost 100 deaths have been reported so far. In the sea too this poison keeps it from being eaten sometimes but if some predator eats the poison the predator will not be happy. The puffer fish is not in the shape of a puffer fish, it in the shape of a fish that's blue. So that's the poisonous puffer fish.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Cats are hard to take care of. Besides that when they are old they might through up every were, you may never know when they may through up. But the absalot worst about cats getting is when you leave your home work on the floor and they don't know what they are doing when they do it. do you think they do it on porpose they may do that?
Thursday, April 8, 2010
new born kittens and puppies
You know that when you see new born puppies or kittens they are so cute in so many ways. but first lets start of with the basics. when you see a new born kitten on the side walk don't rush to pick it up because you can spread your germs on it and the mother may never come back for it. so run in and get plastic gloves and pick it up. you keep it in a safe place until it meows for the first time then you can pet it and give it love. same with puppies you always do that same thing every time when you see a baby animal I mean puppies and kittens.even though they are cute they may act like strays.and you don't want a hose pet like that at all.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Fishing- Fun or Gross?
Fishing is both fun and gross, but people only think it's gross. But I can prove them wrong! Picking the lure is fun because you can choose from sooo many different styles! Attatching a worm on the hook is a little bit gross but if you do it a lot, it won't bother you at all. Throwing the fishing wire - with the hook - into the water takes a little practice but otherwise it isn't gross. You have to be patient when you fish. Chances are, you're not going to catch a fish on you're first try. When you think you have a bite, jerk the fishing rod so you hook up the fish. But it might not be a fish. Weeds, trash, etc. But when you do catch a fish, it's pure satisfaction! All that waiting (usually) has finally been paid off. Now is the tricky part, un-hooking the fish. Don't be afraid to touch the fish though, he's more afraid of you than you are of him. But be careful, a lot of fresh water fish have spikes on their top fin. I sure do hope that I convinced you that fishing isn't gross!
bottle nose dolphin
Hey, have you ever meet a bottle nose dolphin?I think they are very sweet. They are very sweet and gentle. If you like dogs you would probity like dolphins they're like big dogs that live in the ocean. but did you now a dolphin can kill a shark, if you think that is not possible it is. but they are kind to you and me but not so nice to other water animals that try to eat them.
turtles is mostly what i am studying as non fiction
When I first read about turtles, I was enjoying it, well, yeah they are just turtles, but they are so cute, and they are getting extinct because people go to places like where the eggs are and they take them to eat at home. I understand that if people want to eat a certain thing then, you can't stop that, but when you think about it, that is so sad!!!
Frogs are amphibians so they need to be wet and moist. They need to be wet and moist because the water helps them breath. Any amphibians are like frogs. I think frogs are awesome. A lot of people think they're gross just because they're slimy. What do you think about frogs?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Puppies are so amazing. When you see them play and run around with there small feet you'll just want to hug them and play with them. I think puppies are adorable. What do you think? I LOVE PUPPIES!!!
Are Parrots as Smart as We Think They Are?
Parrots are such cool birds! They could talk. Scientists have been testing parrots to see if they understand what they are saying. One scientist held up a picture of a square and asked what it was. The parrot said that it was a square. When the parrot finished the test, he got more than 50% of the test right! Who knows, maybe parrots can understand what they are saying.
monkeys are cute
I LOVE monkeys, my favorite ones are the small ones, cause they can crawl in your shirt and that will tickle a lot, but one reason i won't like a monkey,is when they,re bad little monkeys and then it's going to be hard to stop what little bad vi souse thing there doing.I've never saw a little,little monkey before i've only seen a big monkey at central park,did you ever see a little monkey?Did you ever pet one,or have one?
whales and dolphins age difference
Do you know that whales can live more then 100 years and dolphins 50 years? The age differences from a whale and a dolphin is 50 years of age differences until they part with the world. I think that is interesting because they are different animals. What do you think about think about the age differences?
When I was in Brooklyn I went to my cousin's house but before that, I went to the store with my cousin's and my aunt, and we saw a dog that looked just like my cousin's dog. I thought that she was so cute! The only difference between them is that the one I saw was a girl and my cousins is a boy. The girl had a diamond necklace on her! It was amazing!!! The other different part between them is that the girl's fur was white as snow and the boy's is blond! In your personal life, have you ever seen any dogs/puppies that look like twins???
Tigers need help!
Tiger all around the world are dying!And one of the reason they are dying is because they are getting eaten by their predator and their habitat is getting low.For example just like how Owl's habitat are always getting crashed down.And Tigers are one of the amazing animals around the world they could run super fast and are excellent hunter's.One of the way you could help tigers is by donating food,re creating the tigers habitat and by giving money.
the difference between a killer whale and a blue whale
So you want to know how to tell the difference a killer whale and a blue whale? Killer whales have sharp teeth. They are also black and white. Blue whales are the biggest whales. Blue whales have baleen. So there! Thats how you know the difference between a killer whale and a blue whale
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
How to take care of Fishes
1. Feed your fishes not every day but if you feed it on Monday then feed it on Wednesdays.
2. Clean your fish tank every month so our fishes don't die.
3. Make your fishes feel like they are a part of your family and they have a family. By talking to them when you wake up and when you go to bed. Then your fishes feel that you care for them a lot and want you to stay there and keep on talking to them.
4. Make your fishes have the best home they never had. By putting pearls and little fish toy to make it nice. But not to much because then their is no where for the fishes to swim.
If you do all of these 4 step your fishes will live as long as they can!
2. Clean your fish tank every month so our fishes don't die.
3. Make your fishes feel like they are a part of your family and they have a family. By talking to them when you wake up and when you go to bed. Then your fishes feel that you care for them a lot and want you to stay there and keep on talking to them.
4. Make your fishes have the best home they never had. By putting pearls and little fish toy to make it nice. But not to much because then their is no where for the fishes to swim.
If you do all of these 4 step your fishes will live as long as they can!
Monday, March 22, 2010
history of the name Bird Up
As I said in my last blog about my bird, my dad came up with the name. But he got the name from his friend's bird. One of them, and of course his name is Bird Up. Their bird could roam around the house; our bird has a cage. well we do let our bird out of his cage and roam around the room but our bird up he flies the 1st bird up walked around
penguins are dying
Penguins are dying from oil spills on boats that cause their feathers to stick together and cause them to drown. Or a bigger animal will see that they are helpless and eat them. Penguins are also dying, because tourists who visit where the penguins naturally live and are going up to them to take pictures.
That can kill them because it can separate them from their flock, and cause them to die of hunger because they can not find food easily without help from the flock. Ways you can help this cause are you can donate to organizations that find oil spills and filtering it out of the water and cleaning the oil out of the penguins feathers. There are also some organizations that will allow children to participate in helping the penguins.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
B.A.R.C. Shelter
I encourage people to adopt their cats, dogs, rabbits and chickens at the B.A.R.C. Shelter (Brooklyn Animal Research Coalition). I you don't have a dog but really want one, B.A.R.C. Shelter allows you to walk dogs! Also you can look at all the cats they have. These loving animals mean no harm, so adopt one today!
P.S. If you go to, click email us and you will go to the main website.
why puppies are cute
Puppies are cute because they're small, furry, playful, etc. You should get a puppy because if you want to have something that is playful, you should get a puppy. Puppies are even cuter when they wear clothes. Any kind of puppy clothes. Puppies are cute because they kiss you and snuggle with them like a teddy bear.
Jolly Roger aka. Pooperpants
My cat Jolly is the weirdest cat in the history of cats (if there is one). One reason my cat is the weirdest cat in the history of cats is because he never drinks from his water bowl. When he was younger he used to drink from the toilet and now he drinks from the faucet in the kitchen or the bathroom. Another reason is because he loves cockroaches. Whenever there is a cockroach, he's the first one to see it. Once my sister found him sitting on a cockroach in the bathroom!
cats are vicious
Cats have eyes that look so vicious! They stare at you for so long that you are the one that is gazing, then it just feels like they don't care about staring about you anymore. It is awsome!Cats are okay, but not as cool and fun as dogs! That is my opinion though! Do you think that cats are vicious?!?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I feel bad for those in the shelter.
Did you ever go past a shelter and see all the animals in those cages. I'm imagining that it feels
like being in jail; locked up in a small place. It makes me feel so bad I can't have one. It feels as
if leaving them lonely with no one to be with, but it feels better when I see dogs walking on the side
walk with their tongue out.
How to make your dog sit
1: You need some treats so he/she could learn with the treats.
2: The first thing you want to do is hold the treat up in the air so your dog does not get to it.
3: The second thing is that you are still going to hold the treat up in the air and while you are doing that take the other hand and pet your dog on it's back.
4: Then when you have done everything. Do it all together then when you know it your dog will be sitting down in no time.
5: But your dog is not going to sit down in one day and then it knows how to sit. It is going to take time then it will know how to sit down. But don't worry if you just follow the steps and do it right your dog won't even have to do it with treats if you just tell him/her to sit I think your dog will know how to sit down.
2: The first thing you want to do is hold the treat up in the air so your dog does not get to it.
3: The second thing is that you are still going to hold the treat up in the air and while you are doing that take the other hand and pet your dog on it's back.
4: Then when you have done everything. Do it all together then when you know it your dog will be sitting down in no time.
5: But your dog is not going to sit down in one day and then it knows how to sit. It is going to take time then it will know how to sit down. But don't worry if you just follow the steps and do it right your dog won't even have to do it with treats if you just tell him/her to sit I think your dog will know how to sit down.
Horses are innocent
One day me and my sister went to my mom's friend's barn and I thought I could ride a horse so I did. Then my sister kept telling me that she was gonna get the horse scared and have me fall off the horse. So I told her to try. Then she came with a whip and kept trying to hit the horse with it but it kept running away. Also it was going to fast for me so I fell off. At first I was saying how it was the horses fault but really it was my fault because I'm the one who let my sister almost hit the horse. So the horse was really innocent.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Have you ever seen the pink dolphins in rivers? They are actually not gray or whitish, well they are gray when they are babies but they grow pink when they're older. They have flexible bodies so that when some forests get flooded they can swim and weave in and out of trees. Cool right?, Have you ever swam in a forest? Still they are endangered because of fishers nets in the rivers they live in. They eat small fish that swim in rivers and tiny plants. Just like other dolphins, they live in packs and usually win fights with sharks.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Lila, my guinea pig, is the loudest mammal ever born. She squeaks when I come home, She squeaks when the refrigerator door opens, Etc. They stink if you don't change them, and they have to have food at all times. They need regular guinea pig food in their bowl at all time along with daily crunchy fruits and vegetables. They also need lots of food. So if you are thinking of getting a guinea pig, think again because they are a lot of work.
dogs are not always nice
If you see a dog on the street and its siting down,you shouldn't go up to it or even try petting it if the owner is in a store where dogs are not allowed,the only thing you could do is ask the owner because you don't no what kind of dog is,and how it reacts if it doesn't have a owner pass right by it or around because some dogs,when they see you they would go crazy and bark out loud and try to attack you,in that they would bite you. Has this ever happen to you?Or part of this happened?
puppy love
Do you want to know what puppy love is? well you know when you give lots of love to a dog or a puppy and they snuggle with you or lick you, that is called puppy love. Puppies are very playful and huggable. Puppies are sweet to people unless they are strays.
The Difference Between a Turtle and a Tortoise
So you want to know how to tell the difference between a turtle and tortoise? Turtles have flippers and are very wet because they live under water. Tortoises are land animals. They have feet that are dry. Tortoises and turtles are amazing!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
About birds
Did you know that bird's heart could beat about 1,ooo times in five minutes . Birds are popular there is a bird that can make the some sounds like a car and a dog. Birds stay with their birds moms about 6 months till they know how to get food and know how to fly. Birds are very interesting for example there's many fork birds in Poland there about 2250 fork's in Poland there are many fork's in spring they're mostly there. Peacock's are the most beautiful birds their tails are dark blue and dark green. Humming birds are the smallest birds in the world they have long beaks so they could drink the nectar from the flowers. Birds are the not mammals because they do not born they lay eggs. Birds are the ones you can keep as a pet but birds feel better when they are outside because if you want to free him after all they don't really want to go and they are scared and don't want to go.
bichon breed of dogs
The Bichon breed is a breed of dog . There are about 8 kinds of dog in this breed. There is the Coton de tulear. He is about 15 pounds and can go to compete in the dog show. He has a long Cotton coat and is great with kids. A Coton de tulear is a child's perfect play date! The Coton de tulear is native to Madagascar.
The Bichon Frise is another type of dog in the Bichon breed.They are native to France They are small and are double coated. They were the first dog in the Bichon breed. The Bichon Frise needs alot of care and attention and are good with more older children while the Coton de tulear are good with any kid.
The Maltese is a small dog from England. She was known as a princess dog because everyone who was rich only got them. The Maltese has a really long coat so be prepared to do a lot of grooming. They are like cute little fuzzballs! They are really tiny dogs and are good with older kids
The Bolanesse is another type of dog in this breed. They are native to Italy. They have a curly coat and are most likely to get knots in their hair. The bolanesse come in a only white coat. This dog is great with kids.
The Lowchen is a dog that is lion of a dog. This is probably why they are nick named the lion dog. They are great guard dogs. They are cute even though they are rrrrrrrrrrough. The place they are native to is unknown.
How to take care a maltese puppy
The first thing you have to do is take your dog outside every morning so it can learn how to go outside than going on the wee-wee pads.Then you have to take your puppy a bath every week or if you see it is really dirty you should take it a bath. Give your puppy a treat every time it does something good so it can see that it should keep on doing those good things.When you get up give your puppy fresh water and food to eat. When you did all of these things with your dog or puppy you did a good thing and your puppy or dog learn some new things.Like me and my puppy when I did all of these things.Me and my puppy learn a lot of new things just from teaching her new Trix and other stuff that she learn how to do.But the most thing your dog or puppy needs is love so always give some and you will get some back.
Love Dogs
I have had a dog and most people in the world have too. The only 3 ways I kept my dog alive was food, fresh air and the most important love. Just like us dogs need love too, that love you give them will let them know that they are safe with you. Also, dogs give us love too, they lick us, cuddle with us and they play with us. So you would want to give love to your dog because if they give you it they deserve something back.
Monday, March 8, 2010
my bird
My bird's name is Bird Up, he is a parakeet. My dad came up with the name. He is a boy. You can tell by the color of the stuff above his beak if it is blue he is a boy other colors for girls. My bird is funny, he flies on my head all the time. he also chirps loud in my ear or talks.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
About Birds.
Birds were some friendly and dangerous flying animals with winds on them. They would build nest because that is where they can live and that's also where their home. They used sticks and maybe leaves to build their house. Some of them live in the water, and they they could get food is that they swimming away and to find some fish or somethings else... ... Some of them live in the land, how they could find food by fly away to find some worms of other kind of bugs to feed their young and themselves.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Have you seen the lonely animals from shelters? The pups, dogs, cats and kitties plus many other kinds of pets live in shelters. Well here is a way how you can stop them from keeping those little buddies outta there. Don't adopt pets from pet stores adopt them from shelters. If a animal is in a cage for too long their actions and behavior may change. Believe me, I had a dog who was in a cage for some time and when he got out things got pretty bad. So if you already adopted a animal from the shelter already, just spread the word maybe ask someone to read this blog.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
British Shorthairs-not kittens anymore!
When I was in fourth grade, I posted about my new british shorthair kittens. Well, their not kittens any more. One of them has grown into a fat cat. The other one is very bony. their growing very old which means that they will be more of a responsibility. the at one bites, but only me. That one is my favorite since he is plush. I hope you will enjoy the new blogs I have in pets and animals in 2010 and check out my blogs in Life in Fifth Grade.
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Blog Archive
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- How Does Sharks Gives Birth To A Baby Shark
- the spider monkey
- My Pregnant Fish
- cats and dogs
- Pinegrove Ranch
- What Kind Of Animal Do You Like
- Don't Be Scared Of Sharks
- frogs
- how big cats live in wild life
- Sharks.
- Stop Hurting Dogs & Animals
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- Amazing fishs.
- Horses, a walking beauty.
- tadpole is a good pet to me
- Bird's feet and feathers.
- worms are great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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- Illyiana's Turtle is not nice
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- 3 penguin web sites
- poisonous puffer fish
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- new born kittens and puppies
- Fishing- Fun or Gross?
- bottle nose dolphin
- turtles is mostly what i am studying as non fiction
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- Are Parrots as Smart as We Think They Are?
- monkeys are cute
- whales and dolphins age difference
- puppies
- Tigers need help!
- the difference between a killer whale and a blue w...
- How to take care of Fishes
- history of the name Bird Up
- penguins are dying
- B.A.R.C. Shelter
- why puppies are cute
- Jolly Roger aka. Pooperpants
- cats are vicious
- I feel bad for those in the shelter.
- How to make your dog sit
- Horses are innocent
- Have you ever seen the pink dolphins in rivers? T...
- Lila
- dogs are not always nice
- puppy love
- The Difference Between a Turtle and a Tortoise
- About birds
- bichon breed of dogs
- How to take care a maltese puppy
- Love Dogs
- my bird
- About Birds.
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