Friday, February 13, 2009


Giraffe's are the most tallest animals.Giraffe's are so slow it is hard for them to eat and drink
because of there long neck.When they are drinking water they will separate there legs in different directions so they can have a clear way of drinking water that helps them to get balance
during a water drink.When a giraffe is eating the Giraffe cant eat bottom leaf's because of their
big long neck.When a Giraffe fights they twist there necks toward each other.That can happen
when the Giraffe's are really,really angry.
When you see Giraffe's fighting don't get near them they might stop there fight and charge(change direction) after you. It is dangerous if you do that it might put your life in a risk
you might die.

picture by:Brodiefoto


gabrielle said...

i love it great work

Anonymous said...

hi stephen love your work, you remeber in art you made a giraffe maybe you got that idea from the blog is that right . i hope you commment my blogs