Friday, December 5, 2008


Fish have been loved by many people.Having a fish doesn't say do not take care of them.
A fish needs food and in the tank the fish stay's in needs to be changed but if you want to make your water clean for a long time you need to put snails in it will help to keep the water clean for a long time. And remember to feed your fish if it's stays hungry and you have other fish in the tank
they can eat each other from hunger. But if you remember to feed them every day they would not eat each other or die. Take good care of your fish as other pets.

1 comment:

trazel said...

i agree because i have fish that nedd 120$ filter and they have a 100 gallon fish tank wicih cost
354$ tank disgned as a wave so all the people out there fish cost money only if you take care of them like they are family to you or they are your brother or sister.