Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bird's feet and feathers.

Birds use their feet in many ways. Some use them to catch food, others build nests with their feet. Many water birds have webbed feet for swimming. Most birds have four toes on each foot. Three toes face forward, and one face backward.

Birds have feathers too. There are two main types feathers: down and contour. Down feathers and soft and fluffy. They are close to the body and keep the bird warm. the contour, or outer, feathers are smooth and stiff. They cover the down feathers and keep the bird dry. Contour feathers give birds their sleek, streamlined shape.

Flight feathers are the contour feathers on bird's wing and tail. The small flight feathers close tightly when the bird wants to fly higher. The large ones allow the bird to change directions.

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